One of my absolute favourite places to read is laying on a sun lounger, sipping on a cocktail whilst embracing the 30 degree heat. So w...
If you look back at my New Years Resolutions post, I stated that in 2016 I really wanted to fall back in love with fiction writing. Ever si...
So today I'm back with another book review, and quite possibly this is one of my favourite books of 2015. 'Winter' by Mariss...
I'm a firm believer of the fact that people who say they 'hate reading' just haven't found the right books yet. So today...
Oh my god THIS BOOK! First of all this review will contain spoilers but only after the * symbol, so you're free to read up until th...
Hey guys so I'm finally back from my vacation and I know it probably doesn't feel like I was gone that long because I pre sch...
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